Hi Calsa, welcome back! Don’t feel embarrassed… Blender-Land is an ever-changing world. I can only tell you a little about the BabylonJS side, and almost nothing about Blender.
Visit that… and maybe this transformNode playground. Notice lines 39-41, where an “empty” transformNode is being parented-to. Yes, the animation and demo talks about pivots/rotation, but the same general stuff applies to POSITION.
In that doc, you can also read that a basic mesh shape (which generally has a transformNode) can also be a parent, and can be set parent.visibility = 0. But the main thing… parenting, sometimes to a transformNode, which, inside a modeler or when imported FROM a modeler… is sometimes called a root.
Basically, after setting somemesh.parent to anything, THEN set somemesh.position to ANY distance/placement (displacement) AWAY FROM the parent. If the central “root” is in the belly of the snowman, then parent the broomstick to the belly parent, and then set broomstick.position.x = -5; (or similar)… to position the broomstick to one/other side of the snowman. Offsetting from the parent. Easy. Rarely does anyone animate the “master root” of the model… unless they want the entire model to move.
If you wanted to spin the snowman’s belly WHILE spinning the broomstick differently, make sure they are BOTH parented to a master root, and NOT to each other in any way. Then the belly can have animation, and the broomstick can have different animation, and they don’t affect each other… because they have no parent-child relationship between them. They ONLY have the same parent.
That’s about all the info I have. It might be wise to read Blender - Babylon.js Documentation exporter doc, especially the Object section. Stay tuned for comments from more-informed folks than myself.
PS: If you want to click on any model, and have a second model “mount” to the clicked-upon surface of the first model, that is a slightly different subject… but can be done. Let’s call that act… “mounting”… so we can easily refer to it in future comments, if you wish. Parenting at point-of-click… yuh, yuh, yuh, somewhat related-to “snapping”.