I was thinking we could create a sub domain on Babylonjs homepage where people can download different .env and .dds files for IBL lighting.
I have created some scripts to convert hdris from hdri heaven to dds.
But now I want to programmatically convert the dds files into .env files.
I’ve currently been dragging the .dds files into the sandbox and exporting them from the options pane, but it’s a bother if you have a lot of files.
would it be possible have programmatic access to that feature?
If so, I could create the a simple app for you to host that builds the files via github actions and displays them in a simple downloadable way.
What do you think?
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I really wanted this too… The ability to generate env files right from the Unity Exporter
You already have access to it
CreateEnvTextureAsync in EnvironmentTextureTools
this is what we use in the sandbox:
const scene = this.props.scene;
EnvironmentTextureTools.CreateEnvTextureAsync(scene.environmentTexture as CubeTexture)
.then((buffer: ArrayBuffer) => {
var blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: "octet/stream" });
Tools.Download(blob, "environment.env");
.catch((error: any) => {
This can only work with webgl2 and premultipliedAlpha set to false in the canvas.
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Is there a way to do this with node.js runtime… That way we can make a command line tool to generate the .env
As I said you need webgl2 and a canvas to do it so not directly from node only but you could think of using a test like framework to drive Chrome ???
For anyone else looking for a solution,
this command converts hdr > env files
npx github:HugoMcPhee/hdr-to-babylon-env
(requires node and chrome)
code: GitHub - HugoMcPhee/hdr-to-babylon-env: An npx tool to convert hdr files to env files (requires chrome)
thanks sebavan for suggesting using a test framework