Babylon.js - some warning/error?

I get some warring/error in my babylonjs code
Why that happens?
Any suggestion?
Should I doo anything to fix this warring/error or is this inside babylon.js implementation?
Should I ignore this warring? Does it have anything with touch event (passive event listener) ?
I this babylon.js implementation problem ?

[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking ‘wheel’ event. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responsive. See Passive event listeners - Chrome Platform Status
[Violation] ‘DOMContentLoaded’ handler took 19328ms

I get stack overflow error in chrome console
e.attachControl @ babylon.js:16
t.attachControl @ babylon.js:16
t @ babylon.js:16
exactly my code execute this code line bellow
scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
above worrning/error happens


and same warning/error happens in this line bellow

[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking ‘wheel’ event. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responsive. See Passive event listeners - Chrome Platform Status
[Violation] ‘DOMContentLoaded’ handler took 19328ms

BABYLON_LOADERS.SceneLoader.Load("./assets/scene/", “MyScene.babylon”, engine, (newScene: any) => {
newScene.executeWhenReady(() => {
if (self._scene)

This is new with recent chrome. They check the time spent on some events that will block the user from scrolling (like DOMcontentloaded)

You can safely ignore that error or just move your code inside a setTimeout(…,0)


can you please explain me more detailed this message? Am I doing anything not right?
“You must affect impostors to children before affecting impostor to parent.”

Correct Order

A.parent = P;
B.parent = P;

A.physicsImpostor = ....;
B.physicsImpostor = ....;

P. physicsImpostor = ...;

Wrong Order

A.parent = P;
B.parent = P;

P. physicsImpostor = ...;

A.physicsImpostor = ....;
B.physicsImpostor = ....;