Babylon .obj export

I have still this problem…A lot of errors like this…
i instaled babylon-serializers like npm i babylonjs-serializers

How does your package.json file look like?


Can you set all of them to use 5.1.0 and run npm install again?

I had 2 packages, deleted one and the second look like this, and istalled this but hte problem is still there npm install --save @babylonjs/core @babylonjs/serializers

You’re mixing UMD and ES6 packages, which won’t work :slight_smile: You’ll either need to use the ES6 (prefixed with @babylon) or UMD (not prefixed) version, not both at the same time :slight_smile:

so i just need unistal @babylon/core and @babylon/serializers? I did not have it. :smiley: I installed it few minutes ago. I had there babylon-serializers and it does not work.