Babylon project help

As my last reply for today (and an encouragement for your project :grinning:) this object, with its already separated mesh for the customizable area, should be fairly easy to handle :sweat_smile:. Of course, my opinion only.
Letā€™s get back on it once you have managed to gather the templates and corresponding base models.
Meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses:

Are there any docs about 3d projection?

I have these 3 base models for the beginning. I also found a video which could be similar to what I want to have Here.

Yes, that looks like something that can be worked. And the video also looks much more like a professional tool. You wouldnā€™t happen to have the template/schema with the dimensions for these 3 objects with the printing area corresponding to the insert?
Else, regarding the video it is indeed using 2 viewports which I believe to be a good solution in terms of UX but will require a bit of work in terms of code @shaderbytes is much more skilled than me for highlighting the potential effort and issues on this part (and may be give you some tips).

Edit: And then just to make this clear at this point, this community -starting with me - is sure willing to orientate you, share advise and experience and help you (at a later stage) fix tech issues but we wonā€™t do the job for you for free (and then on a commercial project). So, if at some point when scoping the project, you feel that you wonā€™t be able to make it by yourself or with your actual team in time and in terms, you should try hire the services of an intermediate or preferably senior BJS dev. Thereā€™s a section for this in the forum. Donā€™t get me wrong: As I said, we are happy to help :innocent: (but then only within the limits of our ā€˜free timeā€™ :beach_umbrella:. I hope you understand. Meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses:

Since it can be done, I know I will do it. I will just need some time to understand how.
I am just looking for the best practice here and steps what to go through in case to do the project, everything else I will figure out.
I understand that fully, I am currently looking for the direction, as time goes will see what happened.

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Today is the day of launch of version 6.0 :rocket: :nerd_face: so I might ask you for a bit of patience because the Team needs to focus on the launch. I will continue my search for suitable examples later today but elseā€¦ I will ask TOMORROW some people from the team if they recall and can share a link of something similar (Iā€™m quite sure it exists, just wasnā€™t able to find it so far). So, yes, just a bit of patience :pray: and I promise weā€™ll be back on this from tomorrow.

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Hope you are well and had a chance to watch the launch :fireworks: and get a glance at the new features :clapper:?

Among those, thereā€™s this decal map thingy. I havenā€™t had the time to dig into it yet and Iā€™m not sure it would be applicable.

May be time now to call-in some experts to share their advise and expertise (once they will have recovered from the celebration :partying_face: :champagne: following this huge and successful launch :rocket: :metal:

cc @carolhmj cc @PatrickRyan Dears, please check out the above and bring your enlightment to our new friend, would you? Meanwhile, have (All) a great day :sunglasses:

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Congratulations on new Babylon update. This is just amazing how realistic it looks.

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Decal map still needs face in case to be put on the mesh.
I would like to hear what proffs have to say about this.

And so will Iā€¦ :smile: :thinking:
Shouldnā€™t be all too long. Just a tiny-mini more patience :hourglass_flowing_sand: Iā€™m confident that all together weā€™ll find the best way to do it.

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Iā€™m sorry for the delay. Obviously, it wasnā€™t the best time of year (with the launch and then the weekend) to ask for something that clearly deserves a good thinking :thinking:. But I saw @PatrickRyan like my post and the way I know him (a little) this surely means heā€™s interested in the topic (and probably heā€™s preparing something for you). Itā€™s really worth it waiting for his reply. You wonā€™t get any better, more accurate solution and detailed expert advise and explanations. Of course, it takes a little bit of time but then, with the right approach from the start youā€™re gonna save yourself A LOT of time and troubles in the development. Meanwhile, try to enjoy your sunday and donā€™t worry too much. :sunglasses: As I said, Iā€™m sure weā€™ll find the way. :smile:

I totally understand, it went through my head.
I believe that the project will be done successfully so I dont bring worries to work.
I would be really greatful to hear what the experts have to say, it will be worth waiting for sure.


Whipped one up :slight_smile: Dynamic Texture update | Babylon.js Playground (

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I will try that. Thanks you for bringing it to the table.
I cant remember if that already existed, but since it is updated it could be from the new version, I am not sure how I didnt notice that.

Thanks for this finding. Itā€™s a start I suppose but I fear it wonā€™t be enough.
What is required here is that from the unwrapped texture we would be able to accuratly draw on it.
Here I quickly replaced the sphere with a cube and you can already see the problem (obvious in this case since I created a simple cube, not a wrap with texture)

Oh yeah, I made this example now to help with the discussion :sweat_smile:


Hmmmm, Iā€™m starting to see the situation. In this case, I think the best thing in terms of usability would be to show the unwrapping over the plane? Like what Blender does?

The default BJS cube isnā€™t the best example since iirc, all the faces map to 0,1 instead of ā€œunwrappingā€ over the texture planeā€¦

Sure not. Best would be to work on the real case scenario (@babyloner shared two examples with us).
Else, we could just start from a box with a texture wrap. The essential question I have and why I called-in (guru :grin:) @PatrickRyan was DECALS vs DYNAMICTEXTURE. Knowing that the two ā€˜must haveā€™ are:

  1. Get a final version texture/file ready for print/production that accurately respects the rules
  2. Present the user with a user-friendly YET ACCURATE representation of the customized merch item, which includes:
  • Restrictions, area for printing
  • Draw on 2D and visualize 3D representation
  • (My opinion) Approve final 2D version texture that will be used for production.

There are 3 models for the beggining with geometries where print should be.

Edit: I wanted to try this on a real model.
Cup will just set the red color but I cannot see the image, on the flask it seems better.
Charger shows image on back face, but on front just sets red background.
Also would I be able to add mulitple dynamicTextures on one mesh?

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I am not sure how decals could be transformed from plane to a model. Using dynamic texture I can provide material to the model from plane, but I am not sure how decals could do the same.
In this playground I am trying to do somethin similar.