Hi everyone!
I’m very much beginning to learn BabylonJS after having a fight with ThreeJS and I was seeking a little clarification about the way BabylonJS works.
Am I wrong to see things this way/did I miss something out? But after reading the first chapters of BabylonJS documentation, I feel that it runs on a completely different paradigm than ThreeJS.
ThreeJS feels very imperative/procedural in its way of working. We have an animate function that repeats itself indefinitely where we can interact with our objects.
Maybe I got this wrong but so far, I feel like BabylonJS is procedural? The big deal happens in the createScene function where we create objects and define their behaviors?
I am quite unease with this way of coding and I wondered if it was possible to code in an imperative way using Babylon and if doing so would cost efficiency?
Thank you for your help!