BabylonJS MeshLine - a port of THREE.MeshLine

Hell nooo! :smiley:
Would you please wait until itā€™s official?
Another issue is the song is copyrighted.
And just tried the analyzer on Windows and itā€™s not workingā€¦

So definitely postpone your post please!


OMG, I asked you because of that. Misunderstanding here.

No worries. Will do. Just let me know when all good (with or without amends).

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I confirm it has been rescheduled to next monday (for now). The bloody crap doesnā€™t let me save as draft nor edit when already scheduled. So, Iā€™ll set a reminder on saturday for me to check back on it on saturday. If we are not there yet, I will delete it and create new when the time is right.

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@sebavan @RaananW @Deltakosh @Evgeni_Popov @carolhmj

Guys, just want to let you know there are only two days to my vacation. Iā€™ll be off for at least 2 weeks. It would be cool if you can merge the pull request before I leave and give me some time so I can migrate some code to use GreasedLine included in the BabylonJS library. code/docs/test - all included in the PR. If there will be some obstacles to merge, never mind, Iā€™ll be back (to fix) :smiley:

Thaaaaank you!

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I thought it is ready to be merged?

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Ok let me check with @RaananW @Evgeni_Popov and @sebavan to make sure we review it today or tomorrow


Me too :sunglasses:

Validated and ready to be merged (only a tiny formatting issue and the PR will auto resolve)

Thanks a ton buddy! that is quite an achievemnt!

With pleasure!

It was quite hard for me to start but now it doesnā€™t seem that complicatedā€¦

I became a much better BabylonJS developer after this experience and I can encourage other developers to contribute, itā€™s worth it, every keystroke, every minute, every hour day, every month spent coding to finally get there :smiley:

Honestly, I feel a bit anxious, how much issues will the community reveal in my code :smiley: But looking forward to fix all of them!

Iā€™d like to thank to @Evgeni_Popov who held my hand while I was coding this. He taught me a lot, he was patient and he showed how to do things correctly and/or more efficiently! Thank you very much @Evgeni_Popov! :pray:


@Evgeni_Popov is the best of us:)

Question about updating the greaselines: can we update one to have differents points? cc @carolhmj

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You mean updating the point positions?

Right. something like that: GreasedLine Test 3 | Babylon.js Playground (

Damn, typo :smiley:

EDIT: Iā€™ve created a PR to fix the typo

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Thatā€™s a lot of PGs. Itā€™s gonna take me ages to go through all these :grin:

Edit: BTW, Iā€™m gonna delete my post for now and wait for your ā€˜GOā€™. I believe the content could also do with a little polishing. Might have been just a bit too much ā€˜emotionalā€™ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
But donā€™t worry, rest assured I will definetely want to promote your achievement and amazing contribution :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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These covers only the basics. I already started to prepare more complicated examples.

Since this is different behavior from what LinesMesh does, it would be good to state that very explicitly :slight_smile: Something like ā€œto update the positions of points on the lines, you should update the offsets array instead of the points array, unlike what is done for LinesMeshā€, or something along these lines
Or else that might trip up people who are used to the LinesMesh way, like me :sweat_smile:

Thanks a lot!

Yes good idea. Ppl are used to use LineMesh and this behaves differently. Unfortunatelly it must, because it have to build the mesh from the points. So setting the points to new values must rebuild the mesh and it will be too slow.

EDIT: however there is no public points property on the GreasedLineMesh instance.

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Yup the change makes sense, and itā€™s good that itā€™s faster :smiley:

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