BabylonJS MeshLine - a port of THREE.MeshLine

windows 10
Chrome / Edge / Firefox last version

The other examples are working correctly?

The same problem

I don’t have a clue what is the issue here… I need to test on different HW.

@sebavan @Evgeni_Popov @Deltakosh @carolhmj


So guys, it seems it’s time to create a PR but have a few more questions beforehand.

  1. Will GreasedLineBuilder be a part of linesBuilder.ts or should I keep it in a different source file?
  2. You can create a GreasedLine class without using the builder function but you need to provide the inputs converted/normalized. There are functions for these operations and are part of the builder for now. The question is should I expose them from GreasedLineBuilder like this:
export const GreasedLineBuilder = {

or should the GreasedLineBuilder be clean:

export const GreasedLineBuilder = {

and should I create a GreasedLineBuilderTools objects with these functions or maybe GreasedLineBuilder.Tools:

export const GreasedLineBuilder = {
  Tools: {

I’ve created some other tools functions as getLineLength, divideLine, getSubLines, segmentizeLine, circle, grid, geometryToLines, ... (functions names are subject to change before PR) These are not required to use but are very useful when dealing with GreasedLine. What’s you recommendtion, where to put these functions? Is GreasedLineBuilder.Tools a good choice? I am not 100% because these functions can be used with the existing line functions as well.

  1. Interfaces. Should I avoid them and put the definition in the method like seen in the existing CreateDashedLines function? (options)
export function CreateDashedLines(
    name: string,
    options: { points: Vector3[]; dashSize?: number; gapSize?: number; dashNb?: number; updatable?: boolean; instance?: LinesMesh; useVertexAlpha?: boolean; material?: Material },
    scene: Nullable<Scene> = null
): LinesMesh {
  1. I use a few enums, should I switch to const values on the object?

Thank you!


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Let s summon @RaananW to see what best fit to be ready with the ESM work he is planning without introducing to much inconsistencies with what we have in the framework :slight_smile:

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@roland just a special little request for the line shader to write to depth map if possible? :slight_smile:

Do you have a playground for these examples?

Yep, Why not :slight_smile:

Sry, no playground yet, only source code of the demo page.

It’s really simple, you just load the mesh, call the meshesToLines utility function, define the colors, widths and create the lines:

  const loaded = await SceneLoader.AppendAsync('/models/', 'monkey.glb');
  const root = loaded.meshes[0];

  const meshes = root.getChildMeshes(false);
  const points = meshesToLines(meshes)


  const colors1 = [new Color3(1, 0, 0), new Color3(0, 0, 1), new Color3(0, 1, 0), new Color3(1, 1, 0)];
  const widths1 = [20, 0, 0, 2, 0, 10];
  const mesh = GreasedLineBuilder.CreateGreasedLine(
      widths: widths1,
      widthsDistribution: WidthsDistribution.Repeat,
      colors: colors1,
      useColors: true,
      colorDistribution: ColorDistribution.Repeat,

Demo page:

Utility function (locatiion of the util functions is probably going to change and will be placed in GreasedLineBuilder.ts):

Please note the repo is still under development and some of the local changes were not pushed yet.

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this one looks so satisfyinng when it’s rotating :smiley:


Oh, great questions. And sorry for answering so late.

In general - anything you export in a file that is exported from an ĂŹndex.ts` file will automatically be a part of the BABYLON namespace (unless you change its name). Of course, that includes files that are referenced from other files.

The reason we have the builders is backwards compatibility. There is actually no true need in the Builder structure. We also stopped using other namespaces and keep everything as flat as possible.

Having said that - the architecture is not yet ready to work as you expect, without exporting at least a single object (i.e. the LineBuilder map).

Long story short:

  1. For the time being, stay with the const builder that holds everything
  2. Try to avoid exporting to the global namespace as much as possible. This is a mistake I have made in some cases. Anything we expose to the global namespace will stay backwards-compatible.
  3. Use interfaces where it makes sense. I don’t see a reason to add an interface to the CreateLine function. Follow what we did with the other Create methods (i.e. - options are also not an interface). This is something we can improve later.
  4. Try to avoid enums as much as possible and use constants as much as you can. They keep the package size smaller and are faster.

Let me know if I missed something! And please tag me on the PR


@RaananW thank you and no worries for the late answer I am 1000% busy these days… :frowning: I can get back to the PR this weekend.



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no rush @roland !!!

After copying my sources from my standalone project to the Babylon.js repo :smiley: :smiley: Next time it will be wiser to start to code in the repo directly to avoid unresolved imports and to deal with a different ecosystem :slight_smile:


I appear to get the same issue as @DWork (post), using any browser (openSUSE, GTX970).

The pg from this post however seems to render fine, whereas the newer version from Babylon App has the same blurred/semi-opaque look.

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Can you help me to deal with this issue please?

I am using materials/PBRCustomMaterial as the base class for my core/GreasedLinePBRMaterial.

packages/dev/core/src/Materials/PBR/pbrGreasedLineMaterial.ts(5,35): error TS6059: File '/Users/roland/code/Babylon.js/packages/dev/materials/src/custom/pbrCustomMaterial.ts' is not under 'rootDir' '/Users/roland/code/Babylon.js/packages/dev/core/src'. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files.

I get what’s the problem here, I have some ideas how to solve it but I don’t know what’s the correct solution.

Thank you!

We can not use PBRCustomMaterial in core

We should probably try to migrate into a material plugin if possible or embed in the main code if not ?


Are you going to elaborate on this question and will you let me know how to proceed?

If your code requires code from the materials package, it will need to be added to the materials package. Core has no dependencies. Materials has core as dependency.

Add your material there. It can be tested in the local playground, as the package is being generated and used in both local and public playground.

@sebavan - think the base class needs to be in core?