Babylonjs source code running error

I want to successfully run the playground and sandbox projects with the source code, but I don’t know the addresses of these two pages.

a side-note, there is no need to run the first command, the second watches for you. I will update the docs soon.

I want to edit and debug the source code. When I run (NPM run serve -w @tools/sandbox), it seems that I am running a packaged file, which is not what I want. And I don’t know what it means.

I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean with packaged file. If you mean minified, or bundled, that is true. That does not mean you are not running from source.
You run the Babylon server, and then, in a new terminal window, run the sandbox serve command. You marked the vscode part. Are you using vscode?

Yes, I mean I ran the bundled file, but this is not the file I want to run.
You said ‘run the Babylon server, and then run the sandbox service command in a new terminal window’. I don’t quite understand how this works. Can you help me record a video of this operation? I’m sorry to keep bothering you. Thank you very much.

Yes, I use vscode

Sorry but i won’t record a video for that. If you use vscode, all you need is to select the right profile and run it:

I am sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean here. The command watches the core files, and recompiles the bundle when needed. It is taking all local files, and uses no babylon npm package. it is all local, all your files.

Are you sure this is really what you are trying to achieve? Are you trying to solve issues in babylon, or trying to start a project using babylon? Wpn’t the npm packages be enough for you?

I want to migrate the animation curve editor from the source code to a project. Thank you again for your help. Now I have successfully opened the page I want. I wish you a happy life.

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