Billboard related!

I have a PG setBillboard

after setteing mesh.billboardMode = BABYLON.Mesh.BILLBOARDMODE_ALL the light bloom area is smaller,And the position has changed from the top right corner to the bottom right corner, why?

This is the style before I set it up, even if I don’t turn the camera, it’s a lot bigger

    BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", url, modelName, scene, function (newMeshes) {
        const model = newMeshes[0]
        // // out bloom
        const atmosphere = scene.getMeshByName('Earth_Atmosphere')
        atmosphere.material.backFaceCulling = false
        // out lighter
        const hightlight = scene.getMeshByName('Earth_Hightlight');
        hightlight.material.backFaceCulling = false;
        atmosphere.billboardMode = BABYLON.Mesh.BILLBOARDMODE_ALL


I want to set up the billboard mode, the same as before, such as location, size What should I do?

Hello :slight_smile:

Setting up BillboardMode locks the rotation regarding the camera, but still you can edit rotation (which will then be considered as an offset on top of billboardmode)

In your case I would advise to :

  • Set up the atmosphere as billboard alone (since it’s 2D, should remain in the camera plane, I guess)
  • Set up the hightlight in billboard mode as well, and play with its rotations

Here is a Playground with a bit of UI for tweeking angles

Screencast from 15-07-2024 13:25:34

NB: For hightlight I have setup the billboard to a TransformNode and parented the hightlight to it, to ease to rotation globe center.



You were amazing and very careful. Thank you very much!!!


Pleasure ! :slight_smile:

By the way, I like your night style earth model ! It reminds me about a version I had done in Blender some years ago, when I was a student : video :grin: (similar halow at the end) Except yours is real time while mine was taking like nights to render :joy:

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I’ve seen the video. It’s cool. It’s awesome,I’ve seen the video. It’s so cool, I’m sure I couldn’t have done it when I was a student