Bug from nowWhere + Bug with 4.1.0

This is a message for everyone here. Please take time to repro the problem on a playground or at least a page with babylon.max.js

And by repro I mean something where I do not need to spend a day getting to the issue

You all know that the bug will then be fixed within a day


Yes, DK, I understand very well. Sometimes doing a PG is not easy, you have to know where the problem comes from to reproduce it. But I also understand your point of view. I always try to make a PG most of the time

IF I put babylon.max.js in the demos, that be okay? For example, for survival, it’s a single code page. Same for Evasion. (I give the line number of the code page)

On survival, there is a camera problem that is now far from the character, but before she was right behind.
Survival V2 (Code: game.js line 33)

On Evasion, it’s the images that are missing (images dds) or not fully loaded (half is black or transparent)
Evasion (code game.js line 62)

I put the babylon.max.js in both demos:

Are you sure?

In fact yes, but it’s the camera that’s not going, it’s not where it should be. She should be behind the character, she is far away.

For the camera you cannot call camera.position on a ArcRotateCamera, It was a bug that I fixed so you need to call camera.setPosition() to update the radius and both angles.

Yes, the script is line 33

< script src=“js/game.js”>

Ok for the camera, I will correct it.


See…it takes 10 times the required time to fix the same bug from the pg…

For evasion, can you also update to babylon.max? seems like there is an issue with your DDS
Maybe you could try to create a PG with that DDS ?

Line 33, I spoke from the index

lol:) ok, can you create a PG with your DDS file? I suspect the issue comes from the one used on the prisoner.

By cons there is not that the prisoner or it lacks texture. The feet of the bed are not complete, the feet of the table (wood.jpg), the door and these are tga or jpg, png images.

I try, but I do not have an https server. The pg does not work : :confused:

I do not know how to import an object or external image into the PG. My server does not have the https to activate. I have to look at it one day.

this does not exist:

oops :
Exist now :


ok tried with wood.jpg: No issue

Trying with your dds now

Test .dds: no error

can you repro in the PG the exact material setup you used with materials which have issues?

I have no hardware configuration, it’s a complete scene that is 20 MB that I load like this:

BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load("Scenario/" + this.game + "/Scene/", this.game + ".babylon", this.engine, function(t) {
            e.scene = t;
            e.engine.runRenderLoop(function() {
            e.loadingText.innerHTML = "";
            e.canvas.addEventListener("click", function(n) {
                e.picked(n, t)
            }, false);
            e.canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
                e.cliqueEnfoncer = false
            }, false);
            e.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
                e.cliqueEnfoncer = true
            }, false)
        }, function(t) {
            if (t.lengthComputable) {
                e.loadingText.innerHTML = "Loading, please wait... " + (t.loaded * 100 / t.total).toFixed() + "%"
            } else {
                dlCount = t.loaded / (1024 * 1024);
                e.loadingText.innerHTML = "Loading, please wait... " + Math.floor(dlCount * 100) / 100 + " MB."

can you send me the .babylon + resources? (as a zip on davca@microsoft.com)

Can I give you run link to download by PM? Because by mail it will not be sent, it’s 16 MB zip.

I just thought about that, would not that come from my connection, right now I’m 5 MB. I do not think that’s the problem.