In 4.2, i cannot zoom in firefox 88 on windows if i specify a wheelDeltaPercentage. Babylon.js Playground. On chrome and edge it appears to be fine. It also appears to be fine in babylon 5.0. We cannot upgrade to 5.0 just yet, was wondering if there is a temporary workaround in the meantime, or if i should just detect windows firefox and specify a scaled wheel delta percentage?
- @sebavan to see if he has any thoughts.
There are unfortunately no easy workaround for this one, as the fixes are pretty deep in the code
No worries, thanks! we’ll just browser check for now and upgrade to 5.0.0 when it releases!
Ohhhh this will be in a rather long term timeframe, may I ask why not relying on the preview release ? this would also interest @thomlucc.