Callbacks and multiple scenes

Hi guys, I am in abit of a pickle and hoping that what I have is a simple issue I’m just not seeing.

Just fyi, im using @RaananW wonderful Webpack ES6 starter so all my scenes use a generic promise system.

What I am building is a transition in/out system. The effect works fine if I run my code like this VVVV

    currentScene = await createSceneModule.createScene(engine, view);
    sceneObservers.changeScene.addOnce(async (nextScene: Scene) => {

        //Dispose currently rendering scene 

        //Set the new scene to the current scene
        currentScene = nextScene

        //My Fadein code works
        await screenFade(currentScene,1.0,.0)

    engine.runRenderLoop(() => {

This works fine, the nextScene var is passes in from a button thats set up like this

 async function LoadNextScene(){
      let createSceneModule = physicsWithHavok

      let nextScene = await createSceneModule.createScene(engine, view);

BUT I want to run my transition code on the CURRENT SCENE before I dispose of it and load the new one, but it doesn’t work, no errors and my postprocess does flicker on so something is happening but nothing happens,

    currentScene = await createSceneModule.createScene(engine, view);
    sceneObservers.changeScene.addOnce(async (nextScene: Scene) => {

        //My Fadein code DOES NOT WORK
        await screenFade(currentScene,1.0,.0)

        //Dispose currently rendering scene 

        //Set the new scene to the current scene
        currentScene = nextScene

I dont know if my fadein may be the issue, again it works fine if I use it before my dispose but here it is;

function screenFade(scene : Scene, startValue : float, endValue : float): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let nodeMaterial = NodeMaterial.Parse(gradFadeJson, scene);
        let nodeInput = nodeMaterial.getInputBlockByPredicate((b) => === "Cutoff");
        let nodeTexture = nodeMaterial.getBlockByName("Texture"); //nodeMaterial.getInputBlockByPredicate((b) => === "Texture");
        nodeTexture.texture = new Texture(gradFadeTex);
        let postProcess = nodeMaterial.createPostProcess(scene.activeCamera, 1.0, Constants.TEXTURE_LINEAR_LINEAR);

        let fadeLevel = {
            value: startValue

        postProcess.onApply = (effect) => {
            nodeInput.value = fadeLevel.value;
        let ppAni = new AnimationGroup('ppAni', this);
        ppAni.normalize(0, 100);

        let animation = new Animation('fadeAnim', "value", 60, Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, Animation.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT)
        let fadeKeys = [
            { frame: 0, value: startValue },
            { frame: 100, value: endValue }

        ppAni.addTargetedAnimation(animation, fadeLevel);;

        // Add an observer that will resolve the promise when the animation ends
        ppAni.onAnimationEndObservable.addOnce(() => {

Sorry for the code dump, my issue seems to be if I call my scene from an event callback it works but loading my scene on init doesn’t. But everything else works and seems that my post process or animation maybe aren’t being triggered? Again hope I am just missing a glaring issue.

Thanks in advance!

It’s hard to say, the code seems correct to me…

A reproduction (preferably in the playground, but it can also be an external link) would be useful.


yep, a reproduction would be great. Small note - though you can add async functions as an observer, the observable will run them sync. And if the observable is disposed (or the scene is disposed) it will not wait for the observer to finish. Just something to check. Not saying this is the issue though :slight_smile: