Camera stream on WebGL

Examples are very good. Thanks a lot.
I think the scond one places the png texture wherever user taps. Is that right?

I would like to explore the first one more.

I would like to put camera stream full scene and screen width, as if it is the camera application and with full quality camera offers. Then I would like to get users geolocation and other geolocations from possibly a server and show them inside the video.

  • If they are close scale them up, if they are far away scale them down and till not show at all.
  • Also the cameras angle (I think called “heading”) on the horizon (around cart. y axis, the perpendicular, gelologically the z axis or polar r) is also important and the angular span it sees. So, I would show only objects that are in that angle.

I do not know if the orientation of the camera can be taken from javascirpt or at all in both polar angles since it will be in upright position in use for camera too see environment.