Can we implement augmented reality using react-babylon.js?

Can we rendering 3d model in augmented reality using react-babylon.js ?

Pinging @brianzinn

Also pinging @RaananW who is the owner of our webxr implementation

Yes, but not currently declaratively. You would need to do so imperatively - like when the scene is ready or state changes, etc.

If you want to do so declaratively - do you have a syntax proposal? The Xr spec and BabylonJS implementation have a lot of promises/async and some steps require user interaction.

What he said! :slight_smile:

As @brianzinn explained, it will require a special XR component that will do everything in the background to get the “enter XR” (or AR) button in your react app. imperatively - implementing the entire process on your own, will work just like any other babylon function

@brianzinn @RaananW
I tried implementing the XR component but was not able to as per my use case.

We will need a bit more information, and probably a bit of code, to understand what the issue is.