Hi, I am new to Babylonjs. I follow the doc for Babylon.js and React, it works fine. Then I follow the doc for MeshWriter, it works fine too for the playground & html page. When I add MeshWriter to react & babylonjs App, it is broken, gets a blank page, if open chrome dev-tools console, it says: Uncaught TypeError: (0 , meshwriter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MeshWriter) is not a function
Since it is a react & babylonjs, can’t have it on the playground, here is the github link, this is the deployed link
here is my local dev screen shot & deployed screen shot errors
Thanks for your help. I followed your suggestion and got new error: Uncaught TypeError: w.StandardMaterial is not a constructor. Here is the screenshot
I am pretty sure that represents progress. MeshWriter depends on certain BABYLON methods; StandardMaterial is one of them.
The coder must hand these methods to MeshWriter. If you visit GitHub - briantbutton/meshwriter: Babylon Mesh Writer and then scroll down to a section titled: Critical Environment Requirement, you will get a full explanation.
That section has a suggested recipe with a few lines of code. Those have worked for other people. I think they are solid.