CHANGE: Next Babylon Monthly Meetup is in January, not December!

Greetings everyone - we had a blast at the last Babylon.js Monthly Meetup. I’ll have it up on my youtube channel later today.

Quite a few people have let me know that making it would be tough this month due to the holidays, so we’ve decided to hold the next Meetup on Friday, January 19. You can add it to your calendar here.

Wishing you all a wonderful end to your 2023, and I hope you get some time this month to dive in to Babylon.js!

PS: We’ve had some really neat submissions to our Shader Competition - if you want to create a shader and submit it, see details here.


@Cedric - sorta hoping we can rope you in to talk about your Gaussian Splatting work! :heart_eyes:


Seconded on that! Dooo it Cedric please <3!

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Count me in!

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