Appreciate the interest in the idea for a Babylon monthly meetup. Let’s do it.
The first event will be August 15 from 9-10AM Pacific Time. I understand that it’s very hard to find a time zone that works for everyone, but I expect we will be cycling the times a bit in the future to accommodate other time zones better.
@PirateJC and I will kick off the event with a little intro, and then we already have another speaker to discuss “Dynamic Deformation in the Node Material Editor” (sounds fun already doesn’t it?!).
We’d love to have another presenter + topic. These are meant to be pretty quick (10 minutes with 5 minutes Q + A, give or take). Anyone interested? Feel free to propose here or email and we’ll get it on the agenda!
Sure thing @noname0310 , you’ll be the second presenter if that’s okay with you! Ten minutes or less in length please let me know if you’d like a little session in advance to learn the presenter tools of Frame
i quickly loaded it up , got out my seat and went and stood on the stage like I was someone important ( cloaked as a “guest” since I didnt sign up ) … sent some laugh emoji’s up into the air!
alas I cant hang around tonight , im super busy with work right now.