Collision between UniversalCamera and PhysicsShapeConvexHull shape

I am creating a process to simplify collisions for complex meshes from imported GLTF models using PhysicsShapeConvexHull.

As you can see in the debugging, the PhysicsBody is created correctly. However, the UniversalCamera and the PhysicsBody do not collide, and the UniversalCamera passes through the mesh.

Is collision between a PhysicsShape and the UniversalCamera not possible?

//init camera
const camera = new BABYLON.UniversalCamera('camera', new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 7, -5), scene);
camera.speed = 0.3;
camera.applyGravity = true;
camera.checkCollisions = true;
camera.ellipsoid = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 2, 1);

//simplyfy collision function
if (vertexCount > MAX_VERTEX_COUNT || faceCount > MAX_FACE_COUNT) {
  const convexHull = new BABYLON.PhysicsShapeConvexHull(mesh, scene);
  console.log('🚀 ~ simplifyCollisions ~ convexHull:', convexHull);
  const physicsBody = new BABYLON.PhysicsBody(mesh, BABYLON.PhysicsMotionType.STATIC, false, scene);
  physicsBody.shape = convexHull;
  physicsBody.setMassProperties({ mass: 0 });

You’ll need to create a shape and body and attach the camera to that shape transform.
Like in this example where camera parent is the sphere.


Thank you Cedric. I will test your suggestion !!