Come build a 2D & 3D floor plan platform for software developers (mapbox for indoors)

Hi, I’m Thibaut, co-founder & CTO at Smplrspace. We’re a funded early-stage startup based in Singapore, but hiring remotely and globally.

You’d be excited to join a startup among the first employees? We’re hiring to grow our product team and have 2 super high impact roles on an innovative product that’s growing fast.

:rocket: Senior web engineer – come build a Babylon.js based JS library that renders 2D & 3D floor plans for API-first dataviz and spatial tagging / compute. A super diversified and deeply technical role including a floor plan editor with parametric furniture, and more.

:gem: Design lead – come create, shape and grow our design team as first design staff. Quickly scale from being a senior UX researcher to stepping into a leadership role to define the position of the product and brand.

More info about us on our careers page or you can see live examples of the product on our docs.

Samples of our platform below:


Very nice @tibotiber! If possible, please share news about your project as it grows in the Demos and Projects section.

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Good point, I’ll remember to do that @thomlucc :slight_smile:.

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Woot ! First hiring thread from my home country I’ve seen. Congratz on being funded, I hope you find the right people. Cheers!

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Thanks @phaselock, happy to fly the :singapore: flag. Do spread the word about the opportunity to help us get the right folks! :slight_smile:

@thomlucc, done :wink:


That’s a very long list of skills and requirements for a job description. Incidentally, I could tick most of these but I’m a bit afraid of the work on architecture and interior design. Not my best and not really my preference, I have to admit.
Still the project looks really cool and interesting. I hope you’ll find the right people for it. GL with your project and have a great WE :sunglasses:

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It is a really nice application! I love the simplicity and the professional aspect of the design. Congratulations @tibotiber !

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Hey @mawa, yes it is indeed a long list, but I’ve tried my best to explain these are not requirements. It’s more of a view into our world, what someone would get to touch if they came onboard, and obviously it serves as both filter and conversation starter for potential candidates :slight_smile:.

On the contrary, we do not do any architecture or design work, we just build the tools. Actually, even our users do not do that kind of work, we’re focused mostly on dataviz for building operations :wink:.

So far, we’ve had interesting conversations, and I’m happy to say the best ones came out of this forum :trophy:.