Debug blender python addons

Hello, here my setup for debug blender python addons with visuals studio code:

install blender development in vscode:

Set blender executable in vscode settings,
The blender windows store app does not work with this setup cause access rights.
so for example

    "blender.executables": [
            "path": "c:\\dev\\blender\\blender-3.2.0-windows-x64\\blender.exe",
            "name": "",
            "isDebug": false

find the extension path in blender settings:
C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.2\scripts\addons\babylon_js
open the the folder in vscode
set a breakpoint for example in: / def execute
vscode: open command palette and type: blender, choose: blender start
blender: execute addon , in this case: export babylon
and the script will halt in vscode.

very helpfull:
single step, debug vars, debug console,… are working


Thanks for the tip @wernert (and welcome to the forum!)