I have calculated the bounding box for my model. How can I display dimensions on its axes? Like this:
Hi there! Welcome to the Babylon community!
I would recommend using the GUI system. Here is the documentation for that: The Babylon GUI | Babylon.js Documentation
Probably create a TextBlock and set its position to where your bounding box line are.
I did so, perhaps). How can I snap a textbox to the bounding line?
This function calculate bounding box:
function calculateBoundingBox () {
if (scene.meshes.length) {
let meshes = scene.meshes;
let min = meshes[0].getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.minimumWorld;
let max = meshes[0].getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.maximumWorld;
for(let i=0; i<meshes.length; i++){
let meshMin = meshes[i].getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.minimumWorld;
let meshMax = meshes[i].getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.maximumWorld;
min = BABYLON.Vector3.Minimize(min, meshMin);
max = BABYLON.Vector3.Maximize(max, meshMax);
let parent = new BABYLON.Mesh("parent", scene);
parent.setBoundingInfo(new BABYLON.BoundingInfo(min, max));
//parent.showBoundingBox = true;
let halfSize = parent.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.extendSize;
let size = halfSize.scale(2);
let bb = parent.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox;
let width = size.x + 0.001;
let height = size.y + 0.001;
let depth = size.z + 0.001;
let textW = Math.round(size.x*1000) + "ш";
let textH = Math.round(size.y*1000) + "в";
let textD = Math.round(size.z*1000) + "г";
var box = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("box", {width, height, depth}, scene);
box.material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("sm", scene);
box.material.alpha = 0.5;
box.position = bb.center;
box.edgesWidth = 1.0;
box.edgesColor = new BABYLON.Color4(0, 0, 1, 1);
let textureResolution = 512;
var font = "bold 44px monospace";
let textureSizeX = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture(size.x, textureResolution, scene);
let textureContextSizeX = textureSizeX.getContext();
textureSizeX.drawText(textW, 75, 135, font, "#000000", "transparent", true, true);
let textureSizeY = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture(size.y, textureResolution, scene);
let textureContextSizeY = textureSizeY.getContext();
textureSizeY.drawText(textH, 75, 135, font, "#000000", "transparent", true, true);
let textureSizeZ = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture(size.z, textureResolution, scene);
let textureContextSizeZ = textureSizeZ.getContext();
textureSizeZ.drawText(textD, 75, 135, font, "#000000", "transparent", true, true);
let matX = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("matX", scene);
matX.diffuseTexture = textureSizeX;
matX.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true;
let matY = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("matY", scene);
matY.diffuseTexture = textureSizeY;
matY.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true;
let matZ = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("matZ", scene);
matZ.diffuseTexture = textureSizeZ;
matZ.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true;
const planeX = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePlane("planeX", {});
planeX.material = matX;
planeX.position.x = box.position.x;
planeX.position.y = 0;
planeX.position.z = box.position.z;
planeX.rotation.y = Math.PI;
const planeY = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePlane("planeY", {});
planeY.material = matY;
//planeY.position = box.position;
planeY.rotation.z = -Math.PI/2;
planeY.rotation.y = Math.PI;
const planeZ = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePlane("planeZ", {});
planeZ.material = matZ;
//planeZ.position = 0;
planeZ.rotation.z = Math.PI/2;
planeZ.rotation.x = Math.PI/2;
planeZ.rotation.y = Math.PI;
@buddy90210 would be perfect if you can make the code run in : https://playground.babylonjs.com/ then @msDestiny14 could definitely help on this
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It is down to the sizes you have chosen for your planes (and positions) they were not big enough https://playground.babylonjs.com/#WGZLGJ#2179
This might be of interest Dynamic Textures | Babylon.js Documentation