I want to drag and turn on the dynamic rigid body ya of the physics engine. Drag it as you like without flipping it.
Cc @Cedric
The flipping bug is addressed with this PR : Gizmo misc + disable sync physics by CedricGuillemet · Pull Request #14907 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub
only sphere and moveBox
only sphere and ya
Hello, thank you very much for answering my question, it is very helpful to me.
I changed my approach to this problem and used sphere and moveBox to drag horizontally and vertically to meet the needs without penetrating the ground.
But when I replaced the moveBox with a duck body, I found that the duck could not be dragged vertically. Can you please help me see where I wrote something unreasonable?
You need to set a drag axis or drag normal to PointerDragBehavior.
Move with collision might not be suitable. Did you try to add delta to position without calling that function.
It’s related to an old collision detection but not to physics engine.