Ducati X Diavel mood experience


Here is our demo showcasing one of the most iconic modern motorcyle designs - the Ducati XDiavel S.

nymbl Ducati XDiavel Demo

nymbl, our studio in Bristol UK specialize in 3d and VFX, and we love BJS!
Developing the 3d assets for bjs is a pleasure, especially with the exporter tools from maya and the debug layer and optmizier.

The goal of the project was to practice working with BJS alongside other technologies, to confidently push BJS 3d content as part of larger projects/teams.

UI - Materialize CSS
Development UI - DatGUI
loading animation - Lottie

Our experience lies more in the content creation, so any feeback on improving the code base for larger projects would be welcomed.

So far we are enjoying really entusiastic responses for realtime web content, and hope to make this a big part of our studio’s expertise.

Thanks again for a lovely framework. :wink:


I love it !!! @PirateJC for the home page :slight_smile:


Amazing! @Barksie, Any objection to me adding this to the community demos page of the Babylon.js website? Also are you ok if I add this to the list of potential projects to showcase for our next release video?

Thanks in advance!

Guys, thankyou! Chuffed you like it.

Sure, please do - all yours. A thumbs up from the Jedi council and showcase on the site is the cherry on top.

Thanks again.

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Beautiful :slight_smile:

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Love the sound effect and garage ambience.

Thankyou Hitesh.

I was lucky enough to have access to the bike. The audio recordings are of the real thing with an iPhone!. We plan to record with high quality mics and develop the dynamic sound mixing further - the sound is a huge part of the experience.

Sorry for the delay. This is live now!

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