Enter VR using Meta’s Immersive Web Emulator or a real device. The issue occurs with both.
Exit VR. With the emulator, press the small quit button.
Re-enter VR.
Look at the inspector.
The InstancedMesh WebXR hand points were not disposed of before re-entering VR mode. As a result, there are now four index-finger-metacarpal, four jointParent, two left-handJoint-0, two right-handJoint-0, etc.
It’s not an urgent bug for me.
I noticed that when I called scene.getMeshByName("left-handJoint-0") after re-entering VR, it returned the wrong InstancedMesh.
I fixed the issue by calling webXRHand.getJointMesh(WebXRHandJoint.WRIST) instead, as it finds the correct instance. Also, it’s a better way to find the joint anyway.