I just switch the Wazana Game project to EcmaScript packages. But I have an issue loading .babylon files. The error message is pretty clear: Unable to find a plugin to load .babylon files
But I can’t find the missing plugin I must add and I already import babylonjs/loaders.
Need help for the pull request, sorry if this is stupid!
I made my changes, commit them, go to the BabylonJS/Documentation repo, create pull request, compare accross fork, choose the branch where my changes are. And I get the message “able to merge” but if I go to the bottom of the page I have the message “No commit comments for this range” which prevent me from creating the pull request. I can’t find anything online about that “No commit comments for this range”
Does that mean I can’t pull because I haven’t typed a description in my commit? I am pretty lost with that message sorry again.
One small update related to sounds and es6 modules.
The doc is ok, there was a bug, more details - Sound and es6 modules
Same for dds Loader - no need for Misc, but I’m using only this function CubeTexture.CreateFromPrefilteredData(dds link, scene)
And totaly agree with the others. Cheers!
Yep I included the Audio/audioEngine in my pull request.
I think this is easier just saying to include the Misc/dds instead of explaining we have to use a specific function? Plus it doesn’t work in my case as I simply use the assetManager.