Error once i update babylonjs inspector to 5.53.0

Hi Guys,

This is the error i get when i run the application

./node_modules/@babylonjs/inspector/dist/babylon.inspector.bundle.max.js 39094:59
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (39094:59)
File was processed with these loaders:

  • ./node_modules/react-scripts/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js
    You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
    | let width = this.props.width;
    | let height = width / ratio | 1;
          const engine = this.props.texture.getScene()?.getEngine();

| if (engine && height > engine.getCaps().maxTextureSize) {

hmmm. You are probably using a very old version of a bundler. webpack 4 maybe?

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yes, how to update that…

To v5 from v4 | webpack


I would recommend you to move to webpack 5 (since 4 is very old - last update came out in January 2021). If you don’t want to migrate to a newer version of webpack you can always add the needed babel modifiers to support modern es syntax. But it will probably be simpler to upgrade to 5 :slight_smile: