This will fix the issue - Simplify types used in math by RaananW · Pull Request #14928 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js (
Simplifying is never a bad thing 
If you want to try it, edit the tensor.d.ts file to this:
import type { DeepImmutable, Flatten, FloatArray, Length, Tuple } from "../types";
* Computes the tensor dimension of a multi-dimensional array
export type Dimension<T> = T extends Array<infer U> ? [Length<T>, ...Dimension<U>] : T extends readonly [infer U, ...infer R] ? [Length<T>, ...Dimension<U>] : [];
* Possible values for a Tensor
export type TensorValue = number[] | TensorValue[];
* Extracts the value type of a Tensor
export type ValueOfTensor<T = unknown> = T extends Tensor<infer V> ? V : TensorValue;
type TensorNumberArray<V extends TensorValue> = Length<Dimension<V>> extends 2 ? Tuple<number, 16> : V;
* Describes a mathematical tensor.
* @see
export interface Tensor<V extends TensorValue = TensorValue> {
* An array of the size of each dimension.
* For example, [3] for a Vector3 and [4,4] for a Matrix
* @remarks
* This is to allow implementations with using a getter
readonly dimension: Readonly<Dimension<V>>;
* The rank of the tensor. This is the same as the length of the tensor's dimension array.
* @remarks
* This is to allow implementations with using a getter
readonly rank: number;
* Gets class name
* @returns the class name
getClassName(): string;
* Gets current instance hash code
* @returns the instance hash code as a number
getHashCode(): number;
* Sets the instance coordinates in the given array from the given index.
* @param array defines the source array
* @param index defines the offset in source array
* @returns the current instance
toArray(array: FloatArray, index?: number): this;
* Update the current instance from an array
* @param array defines the destination array
* @param index defines the offset in the destination array
* @returns the current instance
fromArray(array: DeepImmutable<FloatArray>, index?: number): this;
* Copy the current instance to an array
* @returns a new array with the instance coordinates.
asArray(): TensorNumberArray<V>;
* Sets the current instance coordinates with the given source coordinates
* @param source defines the source instance
* @returns the current updated instance
copyFrom(source: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Sets the instance coordinates with the given floats
* @returns the current updated instance
copyFromFloats(...floats: TensorNumberArray<V>): this;
* Sets the instance coordinates with the given floats
* @returns the current updated instance
set(...values: TensorNumberArray<V>): this;
* Sets the instance coordinates to the given value
* @returns the current updated instance
setAll(value: number): this;
* Add another instance with the current one
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns a new instance set with the addition of the current instance and the given one coordinates
add(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Sets the "result" coordinates with the addition of the current instance and the given one coordinates
* @param other defines the other instance
* @param result defines the target instance
* @returns result input
addToRef(other: DeepImmutable<this>, result: this): this;
* Set the instance coordinates by adding the given instance coordinates
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns the current updated instance
addInPlace(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Adds the given coordinates to the current instance
* @param floats the floats to add
* @returns the current updated instance
addInPlaceFromFloats(...floats: TensorNumberArray<V>): this;
* Returns a new instance set with the subtracted coordinates of other's coordinates from the current coordinates.
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns a new instance
subtract(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Sets the "result" coordinates with the subtraction of the other's coordinates from the current coordinates.
* @param other defines the other instance
* @param result defines the target instance
* @returns result input
subtractToRef(other: DeepImmutable<this>, result: this): this;
* Sets the current instance coordinates by subtracting from it the given one coordinates
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns the current updated instance
subtractInPlace(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Returns a new instance set with the subtraction of the given floats from the current instance coordinates
* @param floats the coordinates to subtract
* @returns the resulting instance
subtractFromFloats(...floats: TensorNumberArray<V>): this;
* Subtracts the given floats from the current instance coordinates and set the given instance "result" with this result
* Note: Implementation uses array magic so types may be confusing.
* @param args the coordinates to subtract with the last element as the result
* @returns the result
subtractFromFloatsToRef(...args: [...TensorNumberArray<V>, this]): this;
* Returns a new instance set with the multiplication of the current instance and the given one coordinates
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns a new instance
multiply(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Sets "result" coordinates with the multiplication of the current instance and the given one coordinates
* @param other defines the other instance
* @param result defines the target instance
* @returns result input
multiplyToRef(other: DeepImmutable<this>, result: this): this;
* Multiplies in place the current instance coordinates by the given ones
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns the current updated instance
multiplyInPlace(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Gets a new instance set with the instance coordinates multiplied by the given floats
* @returns a new instance
multiplyByFloats(...floats: TensorNumberArray<V>): this;
* Returns a new instance set with the instance coordinates divided by the given one coordinates
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns a new instance
divide(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Sets the "result" coordinates with the instance coordinates divided by the given one coordinates
* @param other defines the other instance
* @param result defines the target instance
* @returns result input
divideToRef(other: DeepImmutable<this>, result: this): this;
* Divides the current instance coordinates by the given ones
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns the current updated instance
divideInPlace(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Updates the current instance with the minmal coordinate values between its and the given instance ones.
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns this current updated instance
minimizeInPlace(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Updates the current instance with the minmal coordinate values between its and the given floats.
* @param floats defines the floats to compare against
* @returns this current updated instance
minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(...floats: TensorNumberArray<V>): this;
* Updates the current instance with the maximal coordinate values between its and the given instance ones.
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns this current updated instance
maximizeInPlace(other: DeepImmutable<this>): this;
* Updates the current instance with the maximal coordinate values between its and the given floats.
* @param floats defines the floats to compare against
* @returns this current updated instance
maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(...floats: TensorNumberArray<V>): this;
* Gets a new instance with current instance negated coordinates
* @returns a new instance
negate(): this;
* Negate this instance in place
* @returns this
negateInPlace(): this;
* Negate the current instance and stores the result in the given instance "result" coordinates
* @param result defines the instance object where to store the result
* @returns the result
negateToRef(result: this): this;
* Multiply the instance coordinates by
* @param scale defines the scaling factor
* @returns the current updated instance
scaleInPlace(scale: number): this;
* Returns a new instance scaled by "scale" from the current instance
* @param scale defines the scaling factor
* @returns a new instance
scale(scale: number): this;
* Scale the current instance values by a factor to a given instance
* @param scale defines the scale factor
* @param result defines the instance object where to store the result
* @returns result input
scaleToRef(scale: number, result: this): this;
* Scale the current instance values by a factor and add the result to a given instance
* @param scale defines the scale factor
* @param result defines the instance object where to store the result
* @returns result input
scaleAndAddToRef(scale: number, result: this): this;
* Gets a boolean if two instances are equals
* @param other defines the other instance
* @returns true if the given instance coordinates strictly equal the current instance ones
equals(other: DeepImmutable<this>): boolean;
* Gets a boolean if two instances are equals (using an epsilon value)
* @param other defines the other instance
* @param epsilon defines the minimal distance to consider equality
* @returns true if the given instance coordinates are close to the current ones by a distance of epsilon.
equalsWithEpsilon(other: DeepImmutable<this>, epsilon?: number): boolean;
* Returns true if the current Vectoe coordinates equals the given floats
* @param floats defines the coordinates to compare against
* @returns true if both instances are equal
equalsToFloats(...floats: TensorNumberArray<V>): boolean;
* Gets a new instance from current instance floored values
* eg (1.2, 2.31) returns (1, 2)
* @returns a new instance
floor(): this;
* Gets the current instance's floored values and stores them in result
* @param result the instance to store the result in
* @returns the result instance
floorToRef(result: this): this;
* Gets a new instance from current instance fractional values
* eg (1.2, 2.31) returns (0.2, 0.31)
* @returns a new instance
fract(): this;
* Gets the current instance's fractional values and stores them in result
* @param result the instance to store the result in
* @returns the result instance
fractToRef(result: this): this;
* Gets a new instance copied from the instance
* @returns a new instance
clone(): this;
* Static side of Tensor
export interface TensorStatic<T extends Tensor<any[]>> {
* Creates a new instance from the given coordinates
new (...coords: Flatten<ValueOfTensor<T>>): T;
* So [[static]].prototype has typings, instead of just any
prototype: T;
* Returns a new instance with random values between min and max
* @param min the minimum random value
* @param max the maximum random value
* @returns a instance with random values between min and max
Random(min?: number, max?: number): T;
* Returns a new instance with random values between min and max
* @param min the minimum random value
* @param max the maximum random value
* @param result the result to store the random values in
* @returns the updated result instance
RandomToRef(min: number | undefined, max: number | undefined, result: T): T;
* Gets a new instance from the given index element of the given array
* @param array defines the data source
* @param offset defines the offset in the data source
* @returns a new instance
FromArray(array: DeepImmutable<FloatArray>, offset?: number): T;
* Sets "result" from the given index element of the given array
* @param array defines the data source
* @param offset defines the offset in the data source
* @param result defines the target instance
* @returns result input
FromArrayToRef(array: DeepImmutable<FloatArray>, offset: number, result: T): T;
* Sets the given instance "result" with the given floats.
* @param args defines the coordinates of the source with the last paramater being the result
FromFloatsToRef(...args: [...Flatten<ValueOfTensor<T>>, T]): T;
* Gets the dot product of the instance "left" and the instance "right"
* @param left defines first instance
* @param right defines second instance
* @returns the dot product (float)
Dot(left: DeepImmutable<T>, right: DeepImmutable<T>): number;
* Gets a new instance set with the minimal coordinate values from the "left" and "right" instances
* @param left defines 1st instance
* @param right defines 2nd instance
* @returns a new instance
Minimize(left: DeepImmutable<T>, right: DeepImmutable<T>): T;
* Gets a new instance set with the maximal coordinate values from the "left" and "right" instances
* @param left defines 1st instance
* @param right defines 2nd instance
* @returns a new instance
Maximize(left: DeepImmutable<T>, right: DeepImmutable<T>): T;
* Gets the distance between the instances "value1" and "value2"
* @param value1 defines first instance
* @param value2 defines second instance
* @returns the distance between instances
Distance(value1: DeepImmutable<T>, value2: DeepImmutable<T>): number;
* Returns the squared distance between the instances "value1" and "value2"
* @param value1 defines first instance
* @param value2 defines second instance
* @returns the squared distance between instances
DistanceSquared(value1: DeepImmutable<T>, value2: DeepImmutable<T>): number;
* Gets a new instance located at the center of the instances "value1" and "value2"
* @param value1 defines first instance
* @param value2 defines second instance
* @returns a new instance
Center(value1: DeepImmutable<T>, value2: DeepImmutable<T>): T;
* Gets the center of the instances "value1" and "value2" and stores the result in the instance "ref"
* @param value1 defines first instance
* @param value2 defines second instance
* @param ref defines third instance
* @returns ref
CenterToRef(value1: DeepImmutable<T>, value2: DeepImmutable<T>, ref: T): T;
* Returns a new instance set with same the coordinates than "value" ones if the instance "value" is in the square defined by "min" and "max".
* If a coordinate of "value" is lower than "min" coordinates, the returned instance is given this "min" coordinate.
* If a coordinate of "value" is greater than "max" coordinates, the returned instance is given this "max" coordinate
* @param value defines the value to clamp
* @param min defines the lower limit
* @param max defines the upper limit
* @returns a new instance
Clamp(value: DeepImmutable<T>, min: DeepImmutable<T>, max: DeepImmutable<T>): T;
* Returns a new instance set with same the coordinates than "value" ones if the instance "value" is in the square defined by "min" and "max".
* If a coordinate of "value" is lower than "min" coordinates, the returned instance is given this "min" coordinate.
* If a coordinate of "value" is greater than "max" coordinates, the returned instance is given this "max" coordinate
* @param value defines the value to clamp
* @param min defines the lower limit
* @param max defines the upper limit
* @param result defines the instance where to store the result
* @returns the updated result instance
ClampToRef(value: DeepImmutable<T>, min: DeepImmutable<T>, max: DeepImmutable<T>, result: T): T;
export {};