What is the equivalent of this in ES6?
var customMesh = new BABYLON.Mesh("custom", scene);
What is the equivalent of this in ES6?
var customMesh = new BABYLON.Mesh("custom", scene);
Hey @ankyankyanky it’s:
import { Mesh } from "@babylonjs/core/Meshes"
var customMesh = new Mesh("custom", scene);
Good luck !
If you have VSCode, it has autocomplete on module imports which makes it very handy for finding the specific import.
If you cant/don’t want to find it, you can also import it like this:
import { Mesh } from "@babylonjs/core"
This will increase your bundle size however instead of doing specific imports. You can find a lot more detailed info about this here: Babylon.js ES6 support with Tree Shaking | Babylon.js Documentation
@br-matt Thanks