ES6 modules and tree shaking - bundle size

Hi @RaananW

So will you at least fix these issues in version 5 then? Cause I can wait but I will not move over if I need to add a bundle size for no reason. Those 3 things are like that.

Light is one like that as well. You don’t have any and no shadows but you import it anyway.


We will do our best to finalize this for 5.0.

Issues like light can be fixed individually. If you have a list of those imports (apart from bone and shadows in light) let me know.

@peterimg could you list the new dependencies introduced in 5.0 so we could look into why and how to abstract them away ?

Hi @sebavan

I will make some tests with version 5 in the future when I got some free time TBH. Right now I got a lineup so I’m pretty busy. I will reply to you in this post with a list that I found in a project that I think can be cut loose. Is that fine for you? I just do not want to start the next thread again?


Yup it is perfect, And comparing with 4.2 would be amazing as I am afraid to have introduce regressions here.


This is also one issue that I have that @louisnayegon also wants to fix in 4.2.1 version.


There won’t be a 4.2.1 release. Babylon fixes bugs and updates the framework in our preview versions (which we consider ready for production due to extensive testing).