GLB file not loaded correctly

Finally getting a chance to look at this. I’ll address the easier question first :slight_smile:

Regarding the missing beard, @Evgeni_Popov is right. The glTF material for the C17_hair is this:

      "name": "Ch17_hair",
      "alphaMode": "BLEND",
      "extras": {
        "fromFBX": {
          "shadingModel": "Phong",
          "isTruePBR": false
      "pbrMetallicRoughness": {
        "baseColorTexture": {
          "index": 3,
          "texCoord": 0
        "baseColorFactor": [
          0.0 // *** This is the problem! ***
        "metallicFactor": 0.400000005960464,
        "roughnessFactor": 0.301511347293854

I don’t know why Blender exporter would do this, so it’s probably better to ask them. Changing this value to 1.0 makes it show up.

I will look at the skeleton issue next.