I’ve been experimenting with Tilt Brush on the Oculus Quest for rapid prototyping, it’s an insane amount of fun. An interesting issue is that the .glb files it exports use remote URLs for the texture assets.
The assets loads fine in the babylonjs sandbox, and all the textures get resolved.
But when I try to load the assets myself, it fails because the remote URL gets appended on to the URL where the .glb is being statically hosted, and 404s like this babylon.js:16 GET http://localhost:8080/assets/https://www.tiltbrush.com/shaders/brushes/Dots-6a1cf9f9-032c-45ec-9b1d-a6680bee30f7/Dots-6a1cf9f9-032c-45ec-9b1d-a6680bee30f7-v10.0-MainTex.png 404 (Not Found)
I used the same scene loading code as is used in the sandbox:
BABYLON.SceneLoader.LoadAsync("assets/", "Untitled_2.glb", engine).then(scene => {
scene.whenReadyAsync().then(() => {
engine.runRenderLoop(function() {
}).catch(error => console.log(error));
Here is how the webpack-dev-server is hosting the glb file:
test: /\.(jpg|gif|env|glb|stl)$/i,
use: [{
loader: 'url-loader',
options: {
limit: 8192,
}, ],
I can’t work out whether I need to set some other configuration on SceneLoader, or adjust the way webpack serves the glb file (or intercept and correct the URLs somehow?) Anyone have any thoughts on how to fix this?
Couple of interesting asides: it seems that having remote URLs for assets in .glb files isn’t valid, according to the gltf validator, it fails with NON_RELATIVE_URI
errors. Remote URLs are vsalid in .gltf files though (I don’t know why this distinction exists between .glb and .gltf). But, both the babylonjs sandbox and Blender import the glb assets without complaint and resolve the textures.