GLTF Parsing Is Creating Doubles And ReParenting meshes

Great! Let me know if you run into anything else.

hi @bghgary,
I came across this thread because I have a similar issue with the OP, ie I have logic in my application that is breaking in Babylon 5 because of the new way glTFs are loaded.

I’m now trying to access the metadata.gltf.skinnedMesh property of my transform nodes to find their associated skinned meshes, but I must be misunderstanding how this works because I’m not getting anything.

I created a playground to demonstrate what’s I’m doing. The glTF has two skinned meshes pCylinder1 and pCylinder2 that in my original Maya scene are parented under some transform nodes like this:

Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 11.06.37 AM

In my playground I’m loading the resulting glTF and trying to access the skinnedMesh property of the transform nodes and it’s undefined, whereas I’d expect the transforms named pCylinder1 and pCylinder2 to point to their associated skinned meshes:

Any idea on what I’m doing wrong?

Yes, sorry, this has changed a few times since I added it. The skinnedMesh property was removed as there were issues with it. Now, you should rely on the onSkinLoadedObservable instead.


Got it, I’ll try it out. Thanks for the quick reply!!

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