Happy Holidays and Happy 2024!

Dear Wonderful Babylon Community,

On behalf of the entire Babylon Dev team, I want to wish you all the Happiest of Holidays and a Happy New Year.

From the bottom of our hearts we want to thank each and every one of you for playing an important role in making this community one of the most welcoming, friendly, and helpful communities on earth. We cherish each one of you and thank you for making Babylon successful.

No matter how you celebrate, we hope that you’ll be able to find some time to relax, reflect, and enjoy friends and family over the coming weeks.

As has become tradition, here is a fun little “holiday demo” for you to deconstruct and enjoy.

Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)

This year’s theme is procedurally generated Snowmen, using one of the best new tools to come to this engine in years: The Node Geometry Editor. Dive in and place a brand new, entirely randomized and unique snowman with each click.

If you’d like to check out the Node Geometry tree that creates these snowmen, you can check that out here: https://nge.babylonjs.com/#C01YXD#28

Lastly, over the next 2 weeks, many of the Babylon dev team will be taking time away from our computers to enjoy special moments with family and friends. That means that responses on the forum may be a little more delayed than usual.

Thank you again for all that you do for Babylon.js and this community!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

-The Babylon Dev Team


Thank you and Happy Time for all of you - The BabylonJS Team :slight_smile::christmas_tree:
Thank you for everything what you are doing. :snowflake:

I must admit I have found it addictive to stack up Snowmen on top of their hats :snowman:


I always look forward to the Babylon holiday playground :smiley:

This one is very pretty! :christmas_tree:

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As much as I would have loved to do a Xmas meme, I’m not sure I will have the time for it this year. It might still come between christmas and new year :joy: :sweat_smile: This autumn and until now has been very busy for me and I couldn’t engage with the Community as much as I wanted :pensive: I hope to find more time for it next year. Meanwhile, just wanted to state how much I value being part of this awesome Community and work and share with all of you Guys. Yours are family to me :smiley:
I wish you all a great time with your family and friends during this season’s holiday :christmas_tree:and rest assured Yours will have to endure me one more year, next year :joy: Take care, enjoy your holdidays and never stop BJSying :grin:

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dancing snowmen


I don’t know why, but I’ve made them all twirl at their own speeds and in both directions with a sine for some more movement. :smiley: :dancer:

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I LOVE this! We need to make this “remixing the Holiday demo” a new tradition!!!

You all are amazing!

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