Hey @Vinc3r … you have a snow-globe around here somewhere, right? Let’s find that puppy. Got a url?
Here’s another, from an old forum user named Grire974: 3D Model Kind of nice.
Here’s an old xmas poem… about one of our founding fathers… Davrous. Kind of fun.
'Twas the frame beforeRender, and all through the scene,
Not a vertex was indexed, the canvas was clean.
Observers were hung on event loops with care,
In hopes that St. Deltakosh… soon would grow hair.
The cameras were nestled on Y-offset peds,
The lights well-positioned in greens, blues and reds.
A box and a sphere and a tube with a cap,
A torus, a plane, and a fresh-baked light map.
When out of the engine arose such a clatter,
It woke-up young Davrous to check on the matter.
Away to the Windows… he flew in a flash,
To resize the viewport and refresh the cache.
The specular shined on a heightMap of snow,
The includedMeshes were starting to show.
When what to his wondering eyes did appear,
A Wingy-made bobsled and 12-pack of beer.
The BJS framework so lively and quick,
Was rendering elves each with onPointer pick.
They all went to work wearing new Christmas formals,
Connecting the verts and adjusting the normals.
A beautiful pano on isBackground Layer,
And cool twinkle lights… it just couldn’t be gayer.
This holiday playground was now well-awake,
So Davrous relaxed with a nice Christmas cake.
More rapid than beagles the elves made their fame,
They yelled at observers, and called them by name:
“OnPointer, onReady, onActivate true.”
“onAfterUnbind, onBeforeRender, too!”
The scene came to life at a fine framerate speed,
The particle snows had a great random seed.
The post-process pipe added gorgeous effects,
The boys at Three JS were all nervous wrecks.
Ol’ Davrous and DK and all of the puppies,
Were dancing and singing like freshly-fed Guppies.
And Davrous, he smiled and he started to sing…
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good ping!”