Hi Babylon Community!

Just wanted to drop in and say hello! :wave:
My name is Alex, and I’m super excited to be interning with the Babylon team this summer. I’m sure I’ll be hanging around this forum quite a lot over the next few months.

Since we’re in #off-topic, here’s a fun question I have…
If you could go back in time, what piece of advice would you offer to your junior developer self? Why?

Thanks in advance for your insights. I look forward to working with you all!


Nice to meet you. I guess I’d say should have joined this forum full of treasures sooner.

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the how: always have a balanced life outside of your career. dont let work become your identity

the why: its a long term win win scenario

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I would have say: “look up names in English dictionary before using them in Babylon.js API:)”


Hi. You are lucky to have such a good team to intern with, congrats. For advice, i wish i realized earlier , as you build your own heuristics / mental models try to recognize how a concept is applied to multiple domains. For example, ive noticed similar statistics concepts used in database data structures, ray tracing and pbr rendering (light scattering), machine/deep learning, vector similarity searches, etc. I guess find a way to unabstract the abstractions.

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second everything Jeremy said. as you dive into Babylon.js you will likely get a lot of a-ha moments and get help from the incredible team you are on! Try to save that feeling when you need help and then remember it when somebody else needs help. That helps put a lot of kindness and empathy into working with others :smile:

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Hey, I am not sure getting advice from someone who started out on punch cards is a good idea. Things are just too different.

Maybe, if you move to a different position & 6 mos later your old stuff follows you, start looking outside.

Back in time?


Buy 10.000 BTC at 0.1$ and spend your lifetime playing with BabylonJS :joy:


No kidding

Dedicate your time to what you really like, development has many areas, I have friends working as developers in banks who are desperate because they wanted to enjoy making apps.

The world changes very quickly and it is difficult to know what will be the next disruptive technology that will take over the future.

I think that like everything in life, what you dedicate passion and desire to, what makes you lose sleep and makes you get up early to solve those lines of code… that will be your world.


Just saw this topic late (don’t know why).
First let me wish you a warm welcome to the Community. :hugs:
I like the way you are making your first contact and to participate in the ‘Let’s redo the game of our pro life contest’, I would put it like that (and that’s actually pretty much what I told the apprentices and juniors I had the pleasure to have in my team for the past two decades):

  1. If you want to be a star, choose another job (become an actor, a writer, a singer or a CEO (like elon)
  2. The best solution you can find is the one that works for you at the time you find it. Take it and move on with the next topic.
  3. Your best solution will never hold over time - Just accept it and continue to learn and evolve.
  4. Your best project will be your next project - not the current one. Just accept it.
  5. You can’t be the best at everything. If you want to perform and reach ‘excellence’, choose a speciality, invest 50-60% of your time and efforts in it and spend the rest of the time building a relation with people who do the same, yet with another speciality. :sweat_smile:
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Yeah. And then, don’t loose that device on which you have stored your blockchain :rofl: