It will be “Trick or Treat” night tomorrow so here is just a little BJS demo to celebrate. Created with Blender - some parts new (the pumpkin, ghost and witch) some parts created by me from the past (terrain, walls and trees).
The scene is meant to be darkish, but I know that lighting can cause problems in such cases - different monitors and laptop screens , so you can increase light intensities by tapping the "U’ key, and decreasing them by tapping the “D” key. On my desktop PC no changes are really needed. I tried it on an old laptop - works OK with a little Light tweaking.
One problem I do run across sometimes is with the scene background image showing up too bright and illuminated - usually occurs on first load. (see I mage 1 and 2). No idea why it happens as meshes are assigned to lights in Blender, and are assigned correctly on .babylon export. Just doing a Shift + Reload seems to solve the problem. Why ? No idea
The scene was created with Blender 3.6 using the latest version of @JCPalmer 's exporter. Thanks Jeff for the little notice you added telling me when a successful export is completed. Great little addition
Anyway, the topic gave me a chance to read about the trials of witches in the City of Chester (UK) in the 1650s when 3 were executed on Oct 31st or a day earlier.
If you go out with your children, take care and stay safe
cheers, gryff
Image 1 The skydome with no lighting effects:
Image 2 In Scene when error occurs :