Christmas Special - Snow Globe

Hey there,

I’ve made a quick special for my company the last days. I’m completely new to Blender and relatively new to Babylon so please be kind :slight_smile:

this is embedded into our company’s page as an iframe.

What I’ve done here:

  • created the scene in Blender 2.8
  • no materials defined in Blender, all done in Babylon
  • created a bezier path for the light in the scene. then I’ve copied the XYZ coordinates and created an array for the points in JS which then I’ve used to create a catmull rom closed path in Babylon
  • one particlesystem for the snow (with custom start and update functions)
  • one particlesystem for the light

as a special twist - it would be boring - the “FREAK OUT” mode

Thank you and bye bye :slight_smile:


Very well done!

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I love it !!! ping @PirateJC to promote it :slight_smile:

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Did you do this using Python on Blender? For example by converting your curve into mesh then saving vertex position. Or maybe you saved Blender curved point properties and use these for creating the BJS path?

No, that would have been more time to invest creating a script than just type the xyz coordinates blender shows
I’ve only needed 16 vertex points for the catmull rom

You just need to keep in mind that:

Blender <-> Babylon
x = inverted x
y = inverted z
z = y


hahahah I love the freekout mode.

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This is awesome! Agreed about the Freakout mode, it’s hilarious! That’s really fun! Added this to the community demos page!


This is extremely cool. Nice work.


Thank you, sir :slight_smile:

So awesome!

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Cool. Great textures! Also nice to know the blender spline method. : )

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Awesome man, well done!!

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Very well done @Robin_McLaut . It seems that Christmas always brings out some novel, interesting and wonderful demos and examples :smile:

cheers, gryff :slight_smile:

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Excellent work, thank you for sharing!

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Love the freak out :joy:

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Domain Update - new URL is



Freak Out mode - is what everybody needs at the end of the year! :slight_smile:

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@PirateJC you need to feature this :slight_smile:

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Updated the URL and bumped it up the list for the Holidays. :slight_smile: