Is your question react specific or just how to add a texture to a mesh in general? This can be done by assigning a texture to the mesh.material.diffuseTexture.
Sorry for the late reply - if you want the texture to pre-load you could try something slightly more declarative. That can save you a bit of a glitch loading the texture as it will likely probably load before the model.
The nice thing about that is that texture props will still flow to the texture, so you can change them dynamically at runtime, since the react-babylonjs reconciler maintains a ref. In this example, you can change the roughness of the textures by clicking a button, if you wanted access to the textures from state. Textures - PBR set roughness ⋅ Storybook (
Hey @brianzinn! First of all thanks for your work here helping everyone, lots of useful information!
I am starting just now with React-Babylon, I managed to load a sneaker mesh and change its material texture as per your suggestion, that’s great.
I was wondering how would one go by creating changing the texture dynamically with a button, as you said in this message?
That would, for example, create a new cube texture and assign it to the standardMaterial.reflectionTexture. Now to get a button to change the cube texture probably memoize the component and whenever you send through a different reflectionTextureUrl prop (or position) it will be reflected on the sphere and texture. Does that help? It’s a bit of a contrived example without a button, but I would recommend a state management library like zustand.
If you are using some ecommerce settings available in models then it could be a different solution as it’s already available I believe. You could also use a useEffect for when the url changes in dependency array to change when it’s loaded - that will increase time without a material, since the original material is disposed(). You can use also fromInstance like I do here if you want to manage your own lifetime of the assets: react-babylonjs/image-texture.stories.js at master · brianzinn/react-babylonjs (
There is an opt-in mechanism to disposeOnUmount with those. Unfortunately there are no docs, so it’s really hard to figure all those things out. I have some new docs that are super good, but not 100% ready…
@brianzinn Nice!!! Lots to take in and, honestly, not sure I understand all of it but I will do my research and try to make sense of it all! Thanks for all the help!
It’s not really easy to grasp - but consider that constructor arguments are only used once. So, arguments like ‘url’ for textures do not cause the component to be disposed. I could write it so that props for constructor arguments recreate objects, but I don’t know what would be gained - so, unfortunately right now it requires a bit of knowledge about babylon constructor vs. property props. (property props are continuously updated even if they match a constructor name).