Maybe the only ‘true’ solution would be to not rotate the camera, but the object itself.
I checked that out a year ago, but the ArcRotateCamera is really beautifully programmed and I couldn’t find an ‘object-rotation’ solution equally smooth.
Hi Evgeni_Popov, that is almost perfect, thank you!! Almost, because I would also like to ‘adjust’ the horizontal orientation of the ReflectionTextureMatrix along the camera’s alpha.
I probably have to multiply or substract something from the camera transformation matrix, and I tried to understand the documentation, but I have to admit those matrices really scare me haha!
What would I need to do to, for example, ‘adjust’ the horizontal orientation by 20 degrees?
and this shows the difference after applying the new transformation matrix (I’m using RotationY instead of RotationX because I want to rotate the image horizontally):
The difference can be seen on the building on the left that has a different deformation.
Unfortunately this leads to a faulty lighting on my objects.
Does this have to do with the position of the camera? Is there a way to fix it, to keep the original HDR deformation?
I can’t thank you enough @Evgeni_Popov! With every solution I feel there is this vast (for me) untouched potential with Babylon.js, but I only have so much time to study…