Hi again, zhang. Good to hear about your dragging successes.
I don’t do much modeling or importing, zhang. I have low experience.
Consider Blender as a possibility. It is a very “active” project, a nice modeler, and very free. It has high-potential to exist forever, so your long-learning won’t ever feel “wasted”. It has a fine .babylon file exporter, but it can also export many other file-types that BabylonJS has importers-for.
ANY “pro” modeler will take time to learn/master. Blender is open-source and can be easily customized with Python code… which is ALSO a powerful and popular thing to learn… WHILE learning Blender. I think it is possible to automate Blender model/scene-generating, using Python. 3DsMax can also do that, using “maxScript”, I believe.
A good docs search… https://doc.babylonjs.com/search/?bjsq=loading
Let’s ask others for comments, too.
Non-Modeler Ways: There is a “God of Dynamic Geometry” around here… named @nasimiasl, and he created a “system” called Geometry Builder (and its sister, Shader Builder). Geometry Builder uses SVG files to “grow” models and worlds. It is not an easy learn, but IF learned… you have BIG power.
Just briefly… here’s some geo-builder URL’s:
I can’t find the Geometry Builder docs at this time, but you might find it in the old forum search results.
Side-topic: Zhang, I found ANOTHER doc that you might be interested-in.
Ok, let’s listen for more/wiser comments.
Zhang comments welcome ANYTIME, of course.