Currently switching from ThreeJS/A-frame to Babylon for a 3d planner tool. Doing some research for how things work over here in Babylon, and looking for good examples of snapping when dragging entities.
Fond a couple of PG examples but a lot of them doesn’t work. Changing engine version doesn’t help either, no errors. I get that old samples isn’t reliable, but being completely new in Babylon world I just want to make sure Im not missing something trivial.
Could you tell a bit more what do you mean with “doesn’t work”?
Here is a small video where I opened both of your examples and they seem to work.
Which browser do you use?
For me, in the red box playground, it loads fine the first time, but if i don’t change anything at all and click the play button to rerun it, the scene bugs out for me. The boxes disappear and the controls become non-interactive.
I can do the same, which is hovering the boxes and get visual response. But I can’t do any dragging or manipulation, which I believe is the purpose of the demos?