I am trying to draw the same GreasedLine multiple times with thin instances with different colors. I am pretty sure I missed something simple fundamental here, such as the wrong buffer kind name or enabling a color buffer altogether. I created a playground as a base: I want to draw the 3 squares with 3 different colors.
I’ve added this property to the material options colorMode: BABYLON.GreasedLineMeshColorMode.COLOR_MODE_MULTIPLY
and a HemisphericLight to the scene in the following PG:
unfortunately, while both ideas are nice, they do not solve my problem (which I did so far not clearly state):
So I want to have many instances and when I hover one of them, I want to change its color. So even if it might work for low numbers of instances, I consider the second approach as not usable (although the idea is nice).
The first one is close to what I want to to do, but I need the emissive color set as I have a technical drawing scene that does not use lights or shading. Can it be modified to set the emissive color so I dont get any shading but basically a flat fill with the color?
I also tried in the meantime using a custom shader material with one color attribute, but it looks like I cannot just plug any material into GreasedLine. No pixels are filled at all using my custom material. Using a custom material would actually be my preferred solution but looks like this is not so easy.