when I use this function “SceneLoader.load()”, it seems like that it will create a new scene to render these new loaded meshes. But if I want to load many meshes into the existed scene, how could I do? Are there any solutions to use “SceneLoader.load” to load assets into a existed scene?
questions about “SceneLoader.load” | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)
If you want to add (append) multiple meshes on a Scene, use Scene.Append or Scene.AppendAsync
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There are different ways to add models to a scene. You may start from here - Loading Any File Type | Babylon.js Documentation
or use Asset Manager for more complicated tasks - Asset Manager | Babylon.js Documentation
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wow, thanks. But I still have a question. Can I assume that this function “SceneLoader.load()” is bound to create a new scene? That is, this function cannot add objects to an existing scene. If I want to add multiple meshes to the existing one scene, I have to use other functions like “Append”?
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Yes, that’s the difference between load
and append
in our loaders architecture
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Thank you very, very much!! :::