PolygonMeshBuilder Examples | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)
I will use it as a tooltip. How can I draw this shape with polygon or otherwise?
Please help me
PolygonMeshBuilder Examples | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)
I will use it as a tooltip. How can I draw this shape with polygon or otherwise?
Please help me
You need to create a path of points that matches your shape like the provided example does.
@farukcelim , if you just want to draw this shapes to display tooltips, maybe another solution might be to use GUI to draw it?
I’ve created a playground example showing how to create a tooltip speech balloon using the Babylon GUI. Is that similar to what you are trying to achieve?
Texture mode Babylon.GUI | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)
Why not just use a plane with a transparency texture?
Thanks for your example and answer. I need to load a circle-shaped image into my tooltip. I couldn’t do that either. Do you have any advice on this? Thanks for your example and your answer. I need to load a circle-shaped image into my tooltip. I couldn’t do that either. Do you have any advice regarding this?
@farukcelim , if you want a different tooltip image you can just replace line 38 with the URL of the image you want to use as tooltip.
Hello @farukcelim just checking in if your question has been answered
Thanks for your answers. I solved the problem. I solved the shape using html in javascript with Css.
var btn = document.getElementById(btnId);
if (btn) {
btn = document.createElement("div");
btn.id = btnId;
btn.className = "label-component";
var btnName = document.createElement("span");
btnName.className = "label-name";
btnName.textContent = name;
var btnTitle = document.createElement("span");
btnTitle.className = "label-title";
btnTitle.textContent = title;
var btnImage = document.createElement("div");
btnImage.className = "label-img";
btnImage.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + img + "')";