Import 3D Models from Blender 3.0 or higher with BlenderExporter

Hi there,

I’m facing some issues when I try to import any 3D models from Blender version 3.0. I use the default glTF exporter available in Blender 2.8 or higher version glTF-Blender-IO.

I can upload the blender file in the sandbox, and it works well. But when I try to import the model in my code, it raises the following error :

Unable to import meshes from ./assets/test.glb: importMesh of undefined from undefined version: undefined, exporter version: undefinedimportMesh has failed JSON parse.

This error occurs on both firefox and chrome. Is the gltf format from blender 3.0 is supported? If not how can I import my 3D models?

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Hello did you import the gltf loader?

.glTF File Loader Plugin | Babylon.js Documentation (

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Thanks a lot, i did not !

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