ImportAsyncMesh on server side without scene

I Already read this , and it did not work out ,
The case is I Have the model with draco compression ( AND ITS VALID )

my code

import "babylonjs";
import "babylonjs-serializers"
import "babylonjs-loaders";
global.XMLHttpRequest = require("xhr2").XMLHttpRequest;

BABYLON.Tools.GetAbsoluteUrl =
  (url): string => {
    return url;

BABYLON.DracoCompression.Configuration = {
  decoder: {
    wasmUrl: "",
    wasmBinaryUrl: "",
    fallbackUrl: "",

async testLocal() {
    try {
      const result = await BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync(null, 'http://localhost:4000/', 'uploads/models/0294_600_draco.glb', this.scene_);
    } catch (e) {
      throw e;

the output .

Importing with ImportMeshAsync

importing using the folowing code

  async testLocal() {
      async (data: any) => {

        BABYLON.DracoCompression.Configuration = {
          decoder: {
            wasmUrl: "",
            wasmBinaryUrl: "",
            fallbackUrl: "",
        var dracoCompression = new BABYLON.DracoCompression();
        var attributes = {
          // [BABYLON.VertexBuffer.UVKind]: 0,
          // [BABYLON.VertexBuffer.NormalKind]: 1,
          // [BABYLON.VertexBuffer.TangentKind]: 2,
          [BABYLON.VertexBuffer.PositionKind]: 3
        var vertexData = await dracoCompression.decodeMeshAsync(data, attributes);
        var mesh = new BABYLON.Mesh("dracoMesh", this.scene_);
        var geometry = new BABYLON.Geometry("dracoGeometry", this.scene_, vertexData, undefined, mesh);

        mesh.material = new BABYLON.PBRMaterial("material", this.scene_);
        mesh.material.sideOrientation = BABYLON.Material.CounterClockWiseSideOrientation;
      }, undefined, undefined, true);
