Hello, I’m using preview version 5.0.0-alpha.51 and when I try to access inspector I’m getting :
babylon.js:16 GET https://unpkg.com/babylonjs-inspector@5.0.0-alpha.51/babylon.inspector.bundle.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404.
Anyone knows why?
Hello, I’m using preview version 5.0.0-alpha.51 and when I try to access inspector I’m getting :
babylon.js:16 GET https://unpkg.com/babylonjs-inspector@5.0.0-alpha.51/babylon.inspector.bundle.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404.
Anyone knows why?
Ohhhhhh it somehow was not deployed…
I ll deploy a 52 ASAP
5.0.0-alpha.52 should be available