having implemented the babylon ES6/Typescript example project
I’m geting the following error when opening the tools pane of the inspector: “Uncaught TypeError: n.Color3 is not a constructor at VM356 babylonjs.serializers.min.js:15”.
Already double-checked this behaviour with an external repo - same result.
I’m on version 4.0.3.
Is this a known issue/bug? Or have I overlooked something?
Hm, not sure if I understand correctly. You mean I can statically embed the inspector via CDN and then use it in ES6 modules? I tried it, but it didn’t work.
In the docs it says: “Due to the modules name changing and other es6 modules differences, the UMD and CDN inspector version is not compatible with ES6. Nevertheless, you can install the ES6 version of the inspector and import it for side effect only in your code. Then the debug layer would work as usual.”
Would be great, if you could paste a snippet of how to make the CDN inspector work with ES6 modules.
And just to be clear: the problem is NOT to get the inspector running at all as an ES6 module. It’s about an error occuring when opening the tools pane using the ES6 inspector version.