Instanced mesh with different material?

You may ignore/delete this, i guess being tired is a sign of needing sleep, who knew? :smile:

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After looking at some code this seems like a bigger job than first expected,

I’m now testing a “sharedGeometryMesh” class at the cost of drawcalls,
2500 spheres, 2500 drawcalls, slim 4-6 fps improvement over normal clones (chrome 73)
normal: (27-29 fps)
shared: (33-35 fps, (occationally jumping up to 40-44 :confused: ))

It looks like it’ll have to be instances of clones for the time being… big butt pain of managing code to keep track of all that :smile:

Thanks for trying:)

I think it’ll require some shader magic, but i have no clue what i’m looking at :smile:
surely it must be possible to pass an alternative color value for each instance and switch between the colors on the GPU with little extra compute cost, no? :thinking:

oh well, I started making a manager for the instancing of clones
still needs a bit of work, but performance seems OK so far 3k meshes

it is technically feasible as we can send more than just matrix per instance

Been looking around, thinking of the best possible solution…

Would it be possible to make a future feature request to support separate outlines & overlays for instances?
or maybe it would hurt instance performance too much?

I think the overlay would solve my issue at least, assuming they could be done in the same drawcall, but it’d also be a nice addition without having to add anything odd :slight_smile:

so that overlay would contain whatever data you want and then you will use that data from your shader?

Yes, so each instance could have a separate overlayColor
or even renderOverlay turn on/off
like you would any other mesh:

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but that will require you to build a shader material right?

I fear so, i can feel my mind melting everytime i look at anything shader related lol,
For now, i simplified my mesh to make it scalable so i only need that one mesh & one extra drawcall per material.

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Hey Everyone,
It’s my first post, in this example the animated instances with children are colored differently.
[Babylon.js Playground]
100 instances of Low-poly mesh created without blender and without the use of skeletons,
very fast. [60 fps]